why will nginx's map directive eat all ram?

Payne Chu nginx-forum at nginx.us
Sat Aug 3 02:08:43 UTC 2013

here it is

nginx version: ngx_openresty/
TLS SNI support enabled
configure arguments: --prefix=/usr/local/openresty/nginx
--add-module=../ngx_devel_kit-0.2.18 --add-module=../echo-nginx-module-0.45
--add-module=../xss-nginx-module-0.03rc9 --add-module=../ngx_coolkit-0.2rc1
--add-module=../srcache-nginx-module-0.21 --add-module=../ngx_lua-0.8.5
--http-scgi-temp-path=/var/tmp/nginx/scgi --with-http_ssl_module

Actually Im using OpenResty. But since OpenResty said it's just standard
nginx. and in config I not even active any lua directive yet. so I thought
this should the nginx probelm. But when I install nginx-1.4.1 through
`Homebrew`. I cannot find same issue in the brew version. Maybe just one of
OpenResty used module trigger this. below is the config trigger this issue.
And let me know if I need to forward this issue to OpenResty. Thanks :)

user paynechu staff;
worker_processes 1;

events {
  worker_connections 1024;

http {

  map $pid $public_root { default public; }

  server {
    listen 443;
    index index.html;
    ssl on;
    ssl_certificate ssl/sandbox.crt;
    ssl_certificate_key ssl/sandbox.key;
    ssl_session_timeout 5m;
    ssl_protocols SSLv2 SSLv3 TLSv1;
    ssl_ciphers HIGH:!aNULL:!MD5;
    ssl_prefer_server_ciphers on;
    root $public_root;

Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,241478,241499#msg-241499

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