[ANNOUNCE] Tengine-1.5.1 is released

Weibin Yao yaoweibin at gmail.com
Thu Aug 29 15:02:43 UTC 2013

Hi folks,

We are pleased to announce that Tengine-1.5.1 (stable version) has
been released!
You can either checkout the source code from GitHub:
https://github.com/alibaba/tengine or download the tar ball directly:

This release fixes the bugs we found of the Tengine-1.5 branch.

We are now shifting to the development of Tengine-2.0, in which we
will introduce
more advanced features, performance improvements, and security enhancements.
Stay tuned :)

The full change log follows below:

     *) Feature: added the directive 'retry_cached_connection' which could
       disable unconditional retries with a cached backend connection.

    *) Feature: added the argument of 'ncpu' to 'sysguard_load' directive.

    *) Bugfix: fixed a bug in referer module that regex rules might be
       invalid with https requests. (lilbedwin)

    *) Bugfix: fixed a bug that the trim module might send a zero-size
       buffer. (taoyuanyuan)

    *) Bugfix: fixed a compile error when using the configure option
       '--without-dso'. (zhuzhaoyuan)

    *) Bugfix: fixed two compile warnings. (zzjin, diwayou)

For those who don't know Tengine, it is a free and open source
distribution of Nginx with some advanced features. See our website for
more details: http://tengine.taobao.org

Have fun!


Weibin Yao
Developer @ Server Platform Team of Taobao

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