Imap proxy

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Thu Dec 5 23:49:17 UTC 2013


On Thu, Dec 05, 2013 at 12:02:44PM -0500, volga629 wrote:

> Hello Maxim,
> Thank you for answer.
> When user connect to proxy with SSL on backend  it get destibuted in clear
> text ?  If final server is DR server which another part of the world,  there
> a lot of places to sniff traffic for plain 143. Is no really big sense to
> use proxy for services located on same physical server.

The imap proxy is to route clients to different backend servers in 
a big farm, typically sitting on the same non-hostile network with 
the proxy.

If for some reason you are using backends in another part of the 
world over a public internet and want traffic to be encrypted, you 
may use a VPN or a secure tunnel for this.

Maxim Dounin

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