HDD util is 100% - aio questions

Lukas Tribus luky-37 at hotmail.com
Mon Feb 4 18:29:14 UTC 2013

Yes, I'm aware, thats why I told him to monitor the box carefully. However, async IO is not so easy to accomplish under linux, and since he is also using the streaming module, things can get complicated.

I wonder if switching to FreeBSD would be a better idea to avoid the linux AIO limitations (as in the nginx documentation).

Anyway, he needs to do some serious testing/thinking/spending time with it. Nobody will come up with the perfect configuration for him resolving all the issues.

> Date: Mon, 4 Feb 2013 19:19:09 +0100
> From: jgehrcke at googlemail.com
> To: nginx at nginx.org
> Subject: Re: HDD util is 100% - aio questions
> 64 GB of RAM might not be sufficient for keeping a significant part of
> his video data in memory. Hence, depending on the number of concurrent
> users and the average size of the videos Cristian wants to stream it is
> entirely possible that caching videos in memory does not help at all. In
> this case, he needs proper disk I/O settings.


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