cache configuration

automatix nginx-forum at
Wed Feb 6 18:45:00 UTC 2013


I have to reopen this topic, because the issue is back...

I have a basic host file, that defines thr root folder for a host as:

# file ax-common-vhost
server {
    if ($host ~ ^(?<project>.+)\.(?<area>.+)\.loc$) {
        set $folder "$area/$project";
    root /var/www/$folder/;

Now I want to add another basic vhost file for Zend Framework projects.
There the webroot should be in the older "public" directly under the root.
So I created a copy of my basic vhost file with a new root rule:

# ax-zf-vhost
server {
    if ($host ~ ^(?<project>.+)\.(?<area>.+)\.loc$) {
        set $folder "$area/$project";
    root /var/www/$folder/public/;

# file zf1sandbox.sandbox.loc
include /etc/nginx/sites-available/ax-zf-vhost;

But it's not working. The server tries to open the path of the zf1sandbox
project root, cannot find any index file there and throws a 403 error.

I've already set the sendfile setting to "off" in all relevant

# file nginx.conf
http {
    sendfile off;

# file ax-zf-vhost
server {
    location / {
        index index.html index.php;
	sendfile off;

Posted at Nginx Forum:,235601,235971#msg-235971

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