proxy_cache_path with huge zone size

traquila nginx-forum at
Wed Feb 27 09:56:07 UTC 2013


I have some troubles to configure my reverse proxy cache.

I would like to use a proxy cache with about 5 TB.
If I estimate an average file size of 128KB, I need to define my zone size
to about 5GB.  (5 TB / (128KB / 128))

Here the configuration line:
proxy_cache_path /opt/.../hdd_storage/cache levels=1:2
keys_zone=proxyCacheZone_hdd:5000m max_size=5000g inactive=1d;
Now, as I have 16 CPUs, I defined 16 worker_process.

The problem is, for each worker an allocation of 5 GB is done for a total of
80 GB of ram usage!!!

Do I have misunderstood somethig?
Is there a way to used a shared memory between workers for the zone cache?

Thank you in advance

Posted at Nginx Forum:,236662,236662#msg-236662

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