Virtualhosts and map

Varix nginx-forum at
Wed Feb 27 15:42:48 UTC 2013

Hallo Maxim Dounin,

thanks for your answer. It helps me.

>This can't be a reason as long as you have "default_server"
>parameter of the "listen" directive properly set for listen
>sockets used.

My thought was, the default file is the first alphabetical file 
in the folder. And the next domainfile namend with do*.*.
As I make the big nginx.conf for the first time I had the same problem.
I had the default at the first serverblock. Then I write this  serverblock
to the end of the serverblocks and all was OK. This alphabetical sort
managed something in a other way, I thought.

I will test same things in the next days. Thanks


Posted at Nginx Forum:,236611,236677#msg-236677

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