Optimizing Nginx for serving 1GB files - Finding values for 'directio' & 'output_buffers'

jayaraj.k nginx-forum at nginx.us
Tue Jan 22 15:13:06 UTC 2013


We have a Nginx web server which is serving files whose size is almost 1GB.
We were trying to optimize the configuration with directio & output_buffers
directives. but, we couldn't find any calculation/formula with which we can
identify suitable values for above mentioned directives.

Server Spec

Processor: Intel E5-2600 Xeon Family (2cpus,16 cores each)

Nginx config

Nginx Version: 1.3.9 (dev)
worker_processes 33;
worker_connections 1024;
use epoll;
worker_rlimit_nofile 33792;
aio on;
Could you plz explain how we can find values for 'directio' &
'output_buffers' specific to a server.


Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,235414,235414#msg-235414

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