some sort of attack?

Francis Daly francis at
Sat Mar 16 10:38:42 UTC 2013

On Sat, Mar 16, 2013 at 02:34:32AM -0700, Praveen Yarlagadda wrote:

Hi there,

> I installed nginx on an EC2 instance.

> Another weird thing is GET
> requests are starting with *"http://". *I never saw it before. Is there any
> way I can filter requests or possibly throw 503?

These might be innocent requests from browsers configured to use your IP
address as a proxy server. (Maybe there was a proxy server on a previous
instance that used your current address?)

I suggest making your current server{} blocks list all of the
server_name:s that you want to handle, and then let the default
server{} block handle these other requests, with "return 503" or any
other configuration you like.

See and for how
to configure server names and the default server for a given address:port.


Francis Daly        francis at

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