Why use haproxy now ?

Reinis Rozitis r at roze.lv
Thu Mar 28 10:10:18 UTC 2013

> But I still cannot understand why, in 2013 and with the latest version of 
> nginx, we would still need haproxy in front of it.

You don't need it is just a thing of preference  or needs / that is also why 
we don't have a single webserver or database server software.

But to name few advantages (at least for me) why I would use (and am doing 
it) haproxy as a balancer - it has more refined backend 
status/administrative page ( http://demo.1wt.eu/ (without the admin 
The nginx upstream module is lacking in this area and for now (as far as I 
know) you can only get info only via logging.

You have detailed information of what's up and what's down / how many 
failures there have been. Also you can easily bring down any backends 
without the need to change configuration (in case of nginx would need to 
rewrite the config and do a reload).

> Even Varnish.. nginx can cache too.

As to varnish - I preffer the memory mapped file instead of nginx approach 
of creating a file for each cachable object in filesystem.


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