jpeg image quality is bad

Praveen Yarlagadda praveen.yarlagadda at
Fri Mar 29 04:44:59 UTC 2013

Hi there!

I'm playing around with nginx and I'm running into a problem related to
image uploading. I have nginx as a load balancer and java server (jetty,
spring based) as the backend server. When I upload an image (JPEG) using
POST method via nginx, the quality gets dropped a lot. Please take a look
at the attached image. If I upload it directly to the backend server, it
gets saved properly.  Am I missing anything in the conf file? I really
appreciate your help. Here is my nginx.conf.

*http {*
*    include       /etc/nginx/mime.types;*
*    default_type  application/octet-stream;*
*    #access_log  /dev/null  main;*
*    access_log  /data/logs/nginx/access.log  main;*
*    log_not_found off;*
*    sendfile        on;*
*    #tcp_nopush     on;*
*    keepalive_timeout  65;*
*    client_max_body_size 10M;*
*    #gzip  on;*
*    include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;*
*    upstream backend {*
*        ip_hash;*
*        server;*
*    }*
*    server  {*
*      listen  80;*
*      server_name;*
*      location / {*
*            proxy_pass      http://backend;*
*            proxy_buffering on;*
*      }*
*    }*
*    server {*
*        listen 80;*
*        server_name ~.*;*
*        location / {*
*          access_log off;*
*          return 503;*
*        }*
*    }*

Thanks a lot!

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