file upload with php-fpm

nateless nginx-forum at
Sat May 4 14:54:21 UTC 2013


I've a problem with file upload and googling and checking with everything
didn't help to solve it.

The problem is when file is being uploaded larger than few megs browser
repeats request after about 30 seconds, and on the second request after
another 30-40s it throws connection reset and nginx has 408 error on that
post request, no other errors in nginx nor in php.

related settings to fiel upload are:

    client_body_buffer_size   1m;
    client_header_buffer_size 128k;
    client_max_body_size      1000m;

    client_body_timeout   500;
    client_header_timeout 500;
    keepalive_timeout     500 500;
    send_timeout          500;

    keepalive_requests      100;
    tcp_nodelay on;
    reset_timedout_connection on;

server works with php (php-fpm) with socket. standart configuration.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,238838,238838#msg-238838

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