limit_req and limit_conn in rewrite modules if statement

Nam nginx-forum at
Mon Nov 18 20:57:19 UTC 2013

To elaborate a bit more, in a single location I may end up with something
like this...

set $Whitelisted "No";
if ($GeoList1 = allow) {
    set $Whitelisted "Yes";
if ($GeoList5 = allow) {
    set $Whitelisted "Yes";
if ($http_user_agent ~ (googlebot|bingbot)) {
    set $Whitelisted "Yes";
if ($Whitelisted ~* "No") {
    limit_conn conlimit-one 5;
    limit_req zone=limit-half burst=9;

So that I can allow both IPs and user agents to avoid getting limited.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,244781,244783#msg-244783

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