Quick performance deterioration when No. of clients increases

Jan-Philip Gehrcke jgehrcke at googlemail.com
Sat Oct 19 11:55:54 UTC 2013

Hi Nikolaos,

just a small follow-up on this. In your initial mail you stated

 > The new VM (using Nginx) currently is in testing mode and it only has
 > 1-core CPU

as well as

 > When this performance deterioration occurs, we don't see very high CPU
 > load (Unix load peaks 2.5)

These numbers already tell you that your initial tests were CPU bound. A 
simple way to describe the situation would be that you have loaded your 
system with 2.5 as much as it was able to handle "simultaneously". On 
average, 1.5 processes were in the run queue of the scheduler just 
"waiting" for a slice of CPU time.

In this configuration, you observed

 > You can see at the load graph that as the load approaches 250 clients,
 > the response time increases very much and is already unacceptable

Later on, you wrote

 > In the meantime, we have increased CPU power to 4 cores and the behavior
 > of the server is much better.


 > Now my problem is that there seems to be a limit of performance to
 > around 1200 req/sec

Do you see that the rate increased by about factor 4? No coincidence, I 
think these numbers clarify where the major bottleneck was in your 
initial setup.

Also, there was this part of the discussion:

 > On 16/10/2013 7:10 μμ, Scott Ribe wrote:
 >> Have you considered not having vastly more worker processes than you
 >> have cores? (IIRC, you have configured things that way...)
 > I have (4 CPU cores and):
 >     worker_processes 4;

Obviously, here you also need to consider the PHP-FPM and possibly other 
processes involved in your web stack.

Eventually, what you want at all times is to have a load average below 
the actual number of cores in your machine (N) , because you want your 
machine to stay responsive, at least to internal events.

If you run more processes than N that potentially create huge CPU load, 
the load average is easily pushed beyond this limit. Via a large request 
rate, your users can then drive your machine to its knees. If you don't 
spawn more than N worker processes in the first place, this helps 
already a lot in preventing such a user-driven lockup situation.



On 16.10.2013 18:16, Nikolaos Milas wrote:
> On 16/10/2013 7:10 μμ, Scott Ribe wrote:
>> Have you considered not having vastly more worker processes than you
>> have cores? (IIRC, you have configured things that way...)
> I have (4 CPU cores and):
>     worker_processes 4;
>     worker_rlimit_nofile 400000;
>     events {
>     worker_connections 8192;
>     multi_accept on;
>     use epoll;
>     }
> Any ideas will be appreciated!
> Nick
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