configuration of 1000's entries

Shaun Savage savages at
Fri Sep 27 11:22:25 UTC 2013

I have many "virtual" paths on one nginx server.  What I mean by this is 
there can be many top level paths, where each one has a cookie, static 
files, and a upstream server.   The way I am doing it now is just 
duplicate every path.

Is there a way to do this 'faster' 'less writing'  'better'?  I am 
expecting 1000's of entries.

upstream a1 {
#    server localhost:48000;
upstream a2 {
     server localhost:48001;
#    unix:/tmp/a2
upstream a3 {
#    server localhost:48002;

location /a1/exe {   # to upstream if have cookie
     if ($http_cookie !~* 'a1') {
         rewrite ^a1(.*)$ /login?a1=$1;
     proxy_....   #setup
     proxy_pass http://a1;

location /a1 { # static files
     if ($http_cookie !~* 'a1') {
         rewrite ^a1(.*)$ /login?a1=$1;
     alias /var/www/a1

location /a2/exe {  # to upstream if have cookie
     if ($http_cookie !~* 'a2') {
         rewrite ^a2(.*)$ /login?a2=$1;
     proxy_....   #setup
     proxy_pass http://a2;

location /a2 {  #static files
     if ($http_cookie !~* 'a2') {
         rewrite ^a2(.*)$ /login?a2=$1;
     alias /var/www/a2

not correct!!
location / {
     parse url
     check cookie
     if $2 == 'exe' {
     alias /var/www/$2  OR rewrite /var/www/$2

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