
atarob nginx-forum at nginx.us
Fri Feb 14 21:39:23 UTC 2014

Creating a module, I want to read in from config desired http header fields.
Then, during config still, I want to get the struct offset for the fields
that have dedicated pointers in the header_in struct. It seems that when I
access headers_in_hash from the main config,  it is uninitialized. I can see
in the code that there is

ngx_http_init_headers_in_hash(ngx_conf_t *cf, ngx_http_core_main_conf_t

in ngx_http.c. It seems to be called when the main conf is being generated
though I am not certain yet.

Where and when exactly is headers_in_hash initialized? If I wanted to read
from it during ngx_http_X_merge_loc_conf(), what would I need to do?  Or am
I supposed to do it at some point later?

Thanks in advance,


Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,247572,247572#msg-247572

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