IMAP: auth_http

Shawn Za lists at
Mon Apr 14 07:13:14 UTC 2014

This dummy auth script has been the ONLY way I can get my imap or smtp 
proxy working!

The problem is that I can only have either imap or smtp. The block below 
works great, I just put my backend server (remote location) instead of, and my Auth-Port is 143. I see that nginx accepts SSL or 
starttls but the backend must run 143 and no SSL. Took forever to get 
that working. Is there a way I can make it so that I have some kind of 
condition running based on imap or smtp protocol? I tried writing a php 
script but everytime I call it with auth_http it does not work. Don't 
even ask why, I tried so many ways. There must be a way without having 
to call my database directly. The dummy auth script worked wonders but 
as mentioned, I need both imap and smtp working and the one below is 
just for imap. Please help me get this working!

>>     location = /mailauth {
>>         add_header Auth-Status OK;
>>         add_header Auth-Server;
>>         add_header Auth-Port 8143;
>>         add_header Auth-Wait 1;
>>         return 204;
>>     }
>> as a dummy auth script.
>> --
>> Maxim Dounin

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