One link/area on a https site with a different SSL config?

tbamise nginx-forum at
Fri Feb 7 23:45:20 UTC 2014

>> Patrick Lists wrote in post #1132735:
>>> On 09-01-14 22:48, Styopa Semenukha wrote:
>>>> Patrick,
>>>> It's not possible, because SSL works on lower level (session layer)
than HTTP
>>> (application layer).
>>> Thank you for your feedback. That's unfortunate. I hope to see flexible
>>> SSL config one day as an enhancement (if possible).
>> It is not possible, not with nginx nor any other web server. Read up on
>> how the SSL handshake and HTTP over SSL works, and it should become
>> clear.

>It is actually possible, at least Apache can do this with SSL
>But nginx currently does not support this.

Expanding on this question, is it possible to use a different set of certs
for the client side and another set for the upstream server side?
Right now I can defined a server module with ssl and specify the ssl
certificates and specify a https protocol for proxy_pass for a location. But
both connections end up using the same certificates specified with
$ssl_certificate. How can I specify different certificates for the client
side connection and upstream side connection?

Thanks in advance.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,246208,247293#msg-247293

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