Does it possible to submit duplicated request with the proxy_next_upstream on

itpp2012 nginx-forum at
Thu Jan 16 12:00:03 UTC 2014

renenglish Wrote:
> Sorry I can’t get it .
> If host A has added the counter and failed to response, the request
> would be failed over to host B with successful response, so the
> counter would be added twines. Wouldn’t it ?

Then a condition must occur where host A fails right after processing the
request, they usually fail before accepting a request, it also depends on
the timeout for a request. And it also depends what nginx considers a fail,
nginx might not fail a host when it does not return from accepting a

You will have to simulate this to find out the conditions for a fail.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,245979,246505#msg-246505

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