Google Analytics event generation by using Nginx logs

dirknel nginx-forum at
Thu Jun 5 13:36:09 UTC 2014


This is my first posting here, so HI to everyone :)

I would like to generate Google Analytics events for documents/videos served
directly by Nginx.

Currently the user of our system can either get the docs by going through
our website or by going directly to the url.  In the first instance the
javascript on the webpage logs the Google Analytics event but I do not know
how to do create an event when the user uses the static link to the
document/video (that basically bypasses the website).  A lot of information
should be in the Nginx access logs and I would like to use that to generate
a Google Analytics event.  Has anyone tried to do this?

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Kind regards,

Posted at Nginx Forum:,250668,250668#msg-250668

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