Optimization of Nginx for 128 MB RAM VPS

Yumi nginx-forum at nginx.us
Thu Jun 19 00:42:38 UTC 2014

> But what with the worker_connections? I have read that this is the number
of simultaneous connections a single process can handle. How high should
this value be? I am expecting lets say 20 connections per hour. I will host
there only my personal home page and my school notebook (based on
Wordpress). Will increasing this value result in high usage of RAM by idling
nginx waiting for new connections?

As echoed by others, I'd hardly be worrying about 20 requests / hour, but
just FYI, that's a *maximum* number, so if you're not using it, it won't
really consume more RAM.  nginx handles many connections very well, so it
won't really matter if you set it a fair bit higher.

Generally PHP/MySQL would be your optimisation targets as they'll consume
way more RAM than nginx, but again, for your load, I wouldn't be worried.

> Should I set there something more to e.g. to make the file upload possible
like with the phpMyAdmin or it will just work out of the box like with
Apache and PHP module?

If you're uploading large dumps, you may wish to increase the size of

Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,251000,251031#msg-251031

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