Nginx with PHP on Windows

c0nw0nk nginx-forum at
Sun Nov 9 12:31:06 UTC 2014

So i am curious on the security impacts on a windows server running nginx
and php

And if you have the following php.ini settings disabled.
"cgi.force_redirect = 0"

I saw itpp2012 posted the following
open_basedir = s:/webroot/
doc_root = s:/webroot/
error_reporting = E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE
error_log = s:/logging/php/
upload_tmp_dir = s:/webroot/
session.save_path = s:/webroot/
upload_max_filesize = 32M
post_max_size = 8M
disable_functions =

But in regards to specific settings what should and should not be enabled or
disabled for best Nginx and PHP security on windows does anyone know ?

I google and find so much to do with IIS but there is nothing for Nginx on
Windows and PHP so i am not sure if the same rules apply ?

Posted at Nginx Forum:,254701,254701#msg-254701

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