HttpLuaModule create asynchronous subrequests

Yichun Zhang (agentzh) agentzh at
Fri Nov 14 21:40:18 UTC 2014


On Fri, Nov 14, 2014 at 11:20 AM, Guido Accardo wrote:
> From the doc of proxy_ignore_client_abort:
> " ... Determines whether the connection with a proxied server should be
> closed when a client closes the connection without waiting for a response
> ..."
> So basically I'm discarding dev's responses ?

Well, you're just discarding client connection closing events while
running your dev request. Otherwise if the client closes the
connection while your dev request is still running (which is very
likely when HTTP keepalive is not in use and you use ngx.eof), your
dev upstream connection will also be aborted prematurely.


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