Have full URL redirect to SSL (not just $server_name and $request_uri)

Edho Arief me at myconan.net
Wed Nov 19 12:16:49 UTC 2014

On Wed, Nov 19, 2014 at 9:16 PM, biot023 <nginx-forum at nginx.us> wrote:
> Hi -- we currently have a redirect rule in a location on our server to
> redirect all non-SSL traffic to SSL, like so:
> location / {
>   return 301 https://$server_name$request_uri;
> }
> This works for almost all cases, but there is an edge case that is broken by
> this.
> We have a custom subdomain functionality that our users use to give them
> more personalised-looking URLs, so they can use <username>.oursite.com
> So username.oursite.com should redirect to https://username.oursite.com
> And otheruser.oursite.com should redirect to https://otheruser.oursite.com
> Could anyone advise me on what redirect rule I should use to achieve what
> our current rule does (redirects almost all traffic to HTTPS), and also
> redirects the special case.

check $host

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