Debian Package Rules as Mercurial repositories

Dominic dol+list at
Wed Oct 15 10:25:46 UTC 2014

On 10/10/14 15:28, Sergey Budnevitch wrote:
> On 07 Oct 2014, at 04:51, Dominic <dol+list at> wrote:
>> Dear List
>> I'm looking for the Debian package rules. I could download the
>> source file from
>> But
>> I guess there is an non public repository, where the package rules
>> are stored to build all the provided packages.
> We have one, but have no plans to make it public, sorry. The whole
> build process is unificated for open and non-public packages and
> publishing and thus the freeze of the part of the infrastructure will
> complicate maintenance for us.

I understand your reason. No problem about this. I use the source
package as a base.

>> Something like (Package rules for
>> HHVM) would be nice to have.
>> The reason for my question is, that I need to build nginx an older
>> version of nginx, but the source package of this older version is
>> not longer hosted on
> There are almost no backward incompatible changes, besides new nginx
> module addition, like auth request module, so you may use last
> version of source package and just change nginx version in the debian
> changelog file. All package changes are mentioned in the changelog. 

Ok. Good to know that only the modules will be altered.

Thank you for the provided informations.

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