internal and error_page directives

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Thu Oct 16 18:22:12 UTC 2014


On Thu, Oct 16, 2014 at 08:26:55PM +0400, Filipp Gunbin wrote:

> Hi, today I've noticed a strange thing regarding "internal" and
> "error_page" directives.
> I have a config similar to this:
> location ~ <regex> {
>   internal;
>   proxy_pass <srv>;
>   error_page 404 = /other_location$uri;
> }
> What I'm surprised about is that if an external request comes to this
> location, we go the /other_location.  So the 404 that results from
> "internal" is also subject for error_page processing.  Isn't that
> strange?  I cannot find any documentation about that.

If a location with "internal" keyword is selected for an external 
request, the 404 error is generated.  The error is handled as 
usual, and it's subject to error_page processing if one is 

The documentation is here:

Maxim Dounin

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