wrong data in $upstream_status and $upstream_response_time

biazus nginx-forum at nginx.us
Wed Sep 10 14:30:55 UTC 2014

Hey Guys,

We have been using the latest stable Nginx version 1.6.1, and I've could
notice that we might be facing a bug that was supposed to be fixed in
version 1.5.11.

Bugfix: the $upstream_status variable might contain wrong data if the
"proxy_cache_use_stale" or "proxy_cache_revalidate" directives were used.

 On MISS requests the variables "$upstream_status" and
"$upstream_response_time" are eventually returning wrong data, like the
example bellow:

$upstream_status - “504, 504, 200" or even  “-,    200"

$upstream_response_time - “8.005, 0.242"

As you can see, the data contain two or three values separated by a comma,
and also the $upstream_response_time contain two time values, both separated
by comma.

Is that make sense to you guys ? Is it expected ?

Thanks in advance,
Daniel Biazus

Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,253162,253162#msg-253162

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