Connection timeout from work, working anywhere else

GuiPoM nginx-forum at
Sat Apr 18 23:20:57 UTC 2015


nginx is the HTTP server that is provided with my home automation software,
jeedom. It is installed on my Raspberry Pi2.
Everyting is working fine, I can connect from my internal network and from

But, when connecting from work, I get an error (navigator displays and
certificate issue ...). 

I had a lool to the logs and here is the corresponding entry in
2015/04/16 18:38:27 [error] 2151#0: *38577 upstream timed out (110:
Connection timed out) while reading upstream, client:, server:
, request: "GET
/ HTTP/1.1",
host: "truc:4321"
2015/04/16 18:42:05 [error] 2150#0: *39108 upstream prematurely closed
connection while reading response header from upstream, client:, server: , request: "GET
HTTP/1.1", upstream:
host: "truc:4321", referrer:

Of course is my remote IP and "truc:4321" my domain name / port

I am not sure this only log may help, but many thanks if you were kind
enough to provide me some help to understand and fix my issue. I can do some
more tests and provide other logs, just let me know what I should do.

Thanks !

Posted at Nginx Forum:,258187,258187#msg-258187

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