Installed nginx with iredmail; how to add web content & test without DNS change

Francis Daly francis at
Thu Apr 30 17:50:16 UTC 2015

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 08:17:42PM -0400, gariac wrote:

Hi there,

> Iredmail puts its html in /var/www.  I put a test page in /var/www2 and
> added a location line to point to it, but I'm confused on how to set this up
> since it is like hosting two websites at the same IP address. Obviously I
> need to test the server before changing the DNS. 

To test the server, probably all you need is that your client resolves
the desired hostname to the new IP address.

You can test with something like

  curl -i -H Host:host.domain

or by changing name resolution for your browser (for example, by using
your local "hosts" file).

There probably shouldn't be any nginx changes for this to happen.

Francis Daly        francis at

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