Limiting parallel requests by source IP address

ChrisAha nginx-forum at
Sun Feb 8 22:41:27 UTC 2015

I am using nginx as a reverse proxy to a Ruby on Rails application using the
unicorn server on multiple load-balanced application servers. This
configuration allows many HTTP requests to be serviced in parallel. I'll
call the total number of parallel requests that can be serviced 'P', which
is the same as the number of unicorn processes running on the application

I have many users accessing the nginx server and I want to ensure that no
single user can consume too much (or all) of the resources. There are
existing plugins for this type of thing: limit_conn and limit_req. The
problem is that it looks like these plugins are based upon the request rate
(i.e. requests per second). This is a less than ideal way to limit resources
because the rate at which requests are made does not equate to the amount of
load the user is putting on the system. For example, if the requests being
made are simple (and quick to service) then it might be OK for a user to
make 20 per second. However, if the requests are complex and take a longer
time to service then we may not want a user to be able to make more than 1
of these expensive requests per second. So it is impossible to choose a rate
that allows many quick requests, but few slow ones.

Instead of limiting by rate, it would be better to limit the number of
*parallel* requests a user can make. So if the total system can service P
parallel requests we would limit any one user to say P/10 requests. So from
the perspective of any one user our system appears to have 1/10th of the
capacity that it really does. We don't need to limit the capacity to
P/number_of_users because in practice most users are inactive at any point
in time. We just need to ensure that no matter how many requests, fast or
slow, that one user floods the system with, they can't consume all of the
resources and so impact other users.

Note that I don't want to return a 503 error message to a user who tries to
make more than P/10 requests at once. I just want to queue the next request
so that it will eventually execute, just more slowly.

I can't find any existing plugin for Nginx that does this. Am I missing

I am planning to write a plugin that will allow me to implement resource
limits in this way. But I am curious if anyone can see a hole in this logic,
or an alternative way to achieve the same thing.



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