'add_header' no longer allowed inside 'if', even though document says it is?

Daniël Mostertman daniel at mostertman.org
Wed Feb 18 16:57:13 UTC 2015


I'm currently running 1.7.10 mainline straight from the nginx.org 
We are hosting an application that needs to be accessible to Internet 
Explorer users, in addition to all other *normal* browsers.

tl;dr: I want do have an add_header inside an if {}. nginx 1.7.10 won't 
let me.

I'm trying to add the following header, which WORKS JUST FINE in all 
other browser but IE:

server {

   add_header Content-Security-Policy "
     default-src  'self' https://*.example.nl https://*.example.net;
     connect-src  'self' https://*.example.nl https://*.example.net;
     font-src     'self' data: https://*.example.nl https://*.example.net;
     script-src   'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' 
https://*.example.nl https://*.example.net;
     style-src    'self' 'unsafe-inline';
     img-src      'self' data: https://*.example.nl https://*.example.net;
     frame-src    'self';
     object-src   'self' 'unsafe-inline';


In Chrome and Firefox, this works like a charm. But Internet Explorer 
goes absolutely haywire on it.
According to http://content-security-policy.com/ .. Internet Explorer 10 
has limited support for X-Content-Security-Policy, and no IE has support 
for Content-Security-Policy.

In reality, that's not really true. I found that accessing the site with 
IE11, results in a badly rendered page that could be classified as "not 
Remove the header, and everything works absolutely fine in IE11.

If I load the page in IE11 and hit F12, then change it to MS10 
compatibility, it throws a *DNS* error. Yes, I kid you not, DNS.
Remove the header, and everything works absolutely fine in IE10 
compatibility mode.

In an attempt to keep the header for all other browsers but MSIE, I 
wanted to do the following instead:

server {

   if ($http_user_agent ~ MSIE ) {
     add_header Content-Security-Policy "
       default-src  'self' https://*.example.nl https://*.example.net;
       connect-src  'self' https://*.example.nl https://*.example.net;
       font-src     'self' data: https://*.example.nl https://*.example.net;
       script-src   'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'unsafe-eval' 
https://*.example.nl https://*.example.net;
       style-src    'self' 'unsafe-inline';
       img-src      'self' data: https://*.example.nl https://*.example.net;
       frame-src    'self';
       object-src   'self' 'unsafe-inline';

According to both http://wiki.nginx.org/IfIsEvil and 
http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_headers_module.html (see Context 
of add_header), it should be allowed inside an if.
But yet:

root:~# nginx -t
nginx: [emerg] "add_header" directive is not allowed here in 
nginx: configuration file /etc/nginx/nginx.conf test failed

What am I doing wrong, if anything? And if I can avoid using "if" like 
that, I'd obviously prefer that.

Kind regards,


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