Modify request body before sending to upstream

abhinanda nginx-forum at
Wed Jan 21 10:47:05 UTC 2015


I am new to nginx module development and I'm working on my first ever
module. I've read up Evan Miller's post besides others, and I've
experimented tweaking some simple modules.

>From what I understand, proxy_pass module is a handler and we can
effectively have just one handler run on a request. What I need is to do
some work with the content before I send a request to the upstream servers.
I have been able to achieve the reverse via filter modules, but not this. Is
there an way to achieve this without touching proxy_pass?

The requirement comes from a server rewrite we are doing to improve
performance. We have nginx load balancing requests to a bunch of servers
running python. We decided to rewrite some of the python pre-processing in
C/C++ and write an nginx module to wrap around it.

Please lead me the right way :).


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