[ANN] Windows nginx Lizard

itpp2012 nginx-forum at nginx.us
Thu May 14 10:29:34 UTC 2015

11:16 14-5-2015 nginx Lizard

Based on nginx (8-5-2015, with 'stream' tcp load balancer) with;
+ pcre-8.37 (upgraded, regression tested)
+ During re-factoring nginx for Windows we've switched code base which
  makes it easier for us to import original nginx code without Windows
  issues by using a new native linux <> windows low level API which 
  natively deals with spinlock, mutex locking, Windows event driven 
  technology and full thread separation
  nginx 1.9 has currently 1 known issue; ajp cache which basically has an
  issue with the 1.7.12 code base caching (without cache ajp works fine)
  nb. prove05 will have crashes / failed tests due to this issue
+ 1.9 api change fixes across all modules
- rtmp, is the last free version with rtmp, we do have a rtmp
  special offer for the 1.9 branch (which without rtmp you could use
  to tcp load balance with rtmp)
* 1.7.12 will be kept up to date with critical patches and fixes only,
  no new functions will be added or imported. LTS versions are not affected
* Issues with spdy:
  disable spdy if you have this issue
+ Source changes back ported
+ Source changes add-on's back ported
+ Changes for nginx_basic: Source changes back ported
* Scheduled release: yes
* Additional specifications: see 'Feature list'
* This release is dedicated to my beloved wife Shirley Anne aged 57 who
  passed away this May, I shall miss her dearly. After a 40 year relentless
  battle with the effects of diabetes a welsh dragon has lost her fight
  "Mae hen wlad fy nhadau lle rhuo y Dreigiau"

Builds can be found here:
Follow releases https://twitter.com/nginx4Windows

Posted at Nginx Forum: http://forum.nginx.org/read.php?2,258866,258866#msg-258866

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