Problem with On The Fly Upgrade

Benji Taylor benji.taylor at
Tue Nov 3 05:40:08 UTC 2015

I am currently experiencing an issue using the on the fly upgrade feature
of nginx. I am attempting the upgrade going from 1.4.1 to 1.8.1 on Ubuntu
12.04. Here is the process I am utilizing:

Here is initial look at my running nginx:

/etc/nginx# ps aux | grep nginx

root     18779  0.5  0.6 416156 26756 ?        Ss   05:24   0:00 nginx:
master process /usr/sbin/nginx

www-data 18780  0.0  0.8 424648 35528 ?        S    05:24   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 18781  0.0  0.8 424648 35284 ?        S    05:24   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 18782  0.0  0.8 424648 35284 ?        S    05:24   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 18783  0.0  0.8 424648 35284 ?        S    05:24   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 18784  0.0  0.6 416156 27084 ?        S    05:24   0:00 nginx:
cache manager process

www-data 18785  0.0  0.6 416156 27084 ?        S    05:24   0:00 nginx:
cache loader process

root     18861  0.0  0.0   9384   940 pts/2    S+   05:25   0:00 grep
--color=auto nginx

First command in the process is run:

:/etc/nginx# sudo kill -s USR2 18779


/etc/nginx# ps aux | grep nginx

root     18779  0.0  0.6 416156 26756 ?        Ss   05:24   0:00 nginx:
master process /usr/sbin/nginx

www-data 18780  0.0  0.8 424648 35528 ?        S    05:24   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 18781  0.0  0.8 424648 35284 ?        S    05:24   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 18782  0.0  0.8 424648 35284 ?        S    05:24   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 18783  0.0  0.8 424648 35284 ?        S    05:24   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 18784  0.0  0.6 416156 27084 ?        S    05:24   0:00 nginx:
cache manager process

root     23762  8.0  0.8 416156 32908 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
master process /usr/sbin/nginx

www-data 23763  6.0  0.8 424648 35280 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 23764  7.0  0.8 424648 35280 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 23765  4.0  0.8 424648 35280 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 23766  4.0  0.8 424648 35280 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 23767  0.0  0.6 416156 27084 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
cache manager process

www-data 23768  0.0  0.6 416156 27084 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
cache loader process

root     23815  0.0  0.0   9384   944 pts/2    S+   05:27   0:00 grep
--color=auto nginx

Second Command is run:

/etc/nginx# sudo kill -s WINCH 18779


/etc/nginx# ps aux | grep nginx

root     18779  0.0  0.6 416156 26756 ?        Ss   05:24   0:00 nginx:
master process /usr/sbin/nginx

root     23762  0.1  0.8 416156 32908 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
master process /usr/sbin/nginx

www-data 23763  0.0  0.8 424648 35524 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 23764  0.0  0.8 424648 35280 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 23765  0.0  0.8 424648 35280 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 23766  0.0  0.8 424648 35280 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
worker process

www-data 23767  0.0  0.6 416156 27084 ?        S    05:27   0:00 nginx:
cache manager process

root     26172  0.0  0.0   9384   944 pts/2    S+   05:28   0:00 grep
--color=auto nginx

Everything up through this point looks like it works as intended. However
the last step when shutting down the old master process. I am getting
unexpected behavior:

/etc/nginx# sudo kill -s QUIT 18779


/etc/nginx# ps aux | grep nginx

root     31133  0.0  0.0   9384   944 pts/2    S+   05:31   0:00 grep
--color=auto nginx

The QUIT signal seems to be killing both the old master pid as well as the
new master and all of the new master's workers. I also do a pstree and it
looks like the old master is the parent for the new master and its workers.

Am I doing anything wrong in regards to the on the fly upgrade process
which is causing this behavior and or could something else on the box cause
this sort of thing to occur.

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