Nginx failing to ask for PEM SSL key password

Valentin V. Bartenev vbart at
Thu Nov 19 13:40:45 UTC 2015

On Thursday 19 November 2015 11:56:37 B.R. wrote:
> Aleks: Have you even read the 1st message from lakarjail?
> ​(s)he said he had a look at it. It seems (s)he only wants​ interactive
> solutions with the password being written nowhere.
> Although the reasoning appearing strange to me (someone needs to be there
> in case of unexpected reload/restart, otherwise, as long as it is stored
> and extracted automatically, whatever storage solutions being chosen, it
> ends up all the same to me), (s)he seems to be knowing what (s)he wants.

"named pipe can also be used instead of a file" - doesn't that help to make
interactive solution?

  wbr, Valentin V. Bartenev

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