TLS/SSL Cache Automatic Purge

B.R. reallfqq-nginx at
Mon Apr 11 11:23:02 UTC 2016

Sounds like US media political messages: 'I am Arnaud, and I approve this
message'. That said, welcome!

You will have to write your own module if you want to manually delete TLS
sessions parameters instead of letting them expire after 10 minutes.
You could also emulate this daily purge by keeping stock nginx but setting :
ssl_session_timeout 1d;
albeit I for one do not recommend such settings since sessions parameters
should probably not be remembered that long for several reasons...

On a side-note, by default nginx does not store session parameters as it
prefers tickets
supported since v1.5.9, over sessions ID.
The former is a more recent mechanism than the latter, and has the notable
benefit of storing session parameters client-side, which scales, avoids
cache management trouble as yours and some other ones. There are some docs
about that in the Web tubes.
Why not sticking with those defaults (or even set ssl_session_cache to off
to be absolutely clear)?
*B. R.*

On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 10:41 AM, Arnaud Van der Vorst <sbxara at>

> Hi,
> My name is Arnaud and I am new to the list.
> I would like to know if NGINX is using any automatic purge mechanism for
> its TLS/SSL Cache configured using the following directives:
> ssl_session_timeout 10m;
> ssl_session_cache shared:SSL:10m;
> I understand that a daily purge of TLS/SSL Cache is highly recommended to
> avoid breaking Perfect Forward Secrecy of the TLS Protocol.
> If it does NOT use automatic purge, how can I purge the Shared cache used
> by NGINX then?
> Are there any command line tools for that purpose?
> Thank you very much in advance for your answer and have a nice day!
> Kind regards,
> Arnaud
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