keep-alive to backend + non-idempotent requests = race condition?

Emiel Mols emiel.mols at
Thu Aug 25 13:44:33 UTC 2016


I've been haunted by this for quite some time, seen it in different
deployments, and think might make for some good ol' mailing list discussion.


- using keep-alive connections to a backend service (eg php, rails, python)
- this backend needs to be updatable (it is not okay to have lingering
workers for hours or days)
- requests are often not idem-potent (can't repeat them)

current deployments need to close the kept-alive connection from the
backend-side, always opening up a race condition where nginx has just sent
a request and the connection gets closed. This leaves nginx in limbo not
knowing if the request has been executed and can be repeated.

When using keep-alive connections the only reliable way of closing them is
from the client-side (in this case: nginx). I would therefor expect either

- a feature to signal nginx to close all connections to the backend after
having deployed new backend code.

- an upstream keepAliveIdleTimeout config value that guarantees that
kept-alive connections are not left lingering indefinitely long. If nginx
guarantees it closes idle connections after 5 seconds, we can be sure that
5s+max_request_time after a new backend is deployed all old workers are

- (variant on the previous) support for a http header from the backend to
indicate such a timeout value. It's funny that this header kind-of already
exists in the spec <
>, but in practice is implemented by no-one.

The 2nd and/or 3rd options seem most elegant to me. I wouldn't mind
implementing myself if someone versed in the architecture would give some

Best regards,

- Emiel
BTW: a similar issue should exist between browsers and web servers. Since
latency is a lot higher on these links, I can only assume it to happen a
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