Nginx static file serving - Some files are 404, some not

Lantos István kerozin.joe at
Wed Jul 6 12:38:58 UTC 2016

I have the following server configuration block:

> *server {    # Running port    listen       80; # ipv4    listen
> [::]:80; # ipv6    server_name  localhost;    root
> /var/www/html;    # Proxying the connections connections    location /
> {        proxy_pass         http://app <http://app>;
> proxy_redirect     off;        proxy_set_header   Host $host;
> proxy_set_header   X-Real-IP $remote_addr;        proxy_set_header
> X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;        proxy_set_header
> X-Forwarded-Host $server_name;    }    location ~
> ^/(fonts/|gallery/|images/|javascripts/|stylesheets/|ajax_info\.txt|apple-touch-icon\.png|browserconfig\.xml|crossdomain\.xml|favicon\.ico|robots\.txt|tile-wide\.png|tile\.png)
> {      root /var/www/html/public;      access_log off;      expires max;
> }    error_page 401 403 404      /404.html;    error_page 500 502 503 504
> /50x.html;}*

I want to server my static files with Nginx to my Node/Express app. I not
want to re-factore every single route in my app, that's why i want to
server all these static files into / URL path.

The problem is some files cannot be located on the disk, although they
existing, for example  */images/art/lindon.png*.

This is a docker-compose stack and nginx built from source:

The error message that I got for a missing file:

*lantosistvan_nginx | 2016/07/06 14:24:42 [error] 6#6: *3 open()
> "/var/www/html/public/images/art/lindon.png" failed (2: No such file or
> directory), client:, server: localhost, request: "GET
> /images/art/lindon.png HTTP/1.1", host: "", referrer:
> "
> <>"*

Is there any better way to server static files for the / URL without
blocking* location / {}*?

Thank You for your help!

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