listening but not connecting

Francis Daly francis at
Thu Jul 28 19:52:40 UTC 2016

On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 03:01:17PM -0400, Larry Martell wrote:

Hi there,

> netstat shows that nginx is listening on port 80:
> tcp        0      0    *
> LISTEN      9256/nginx: master
> But I cannot connect from my browser (I get connection timeout):

> The error log has just this one line:
> 2016/07/28 14:26:41 [notice] 8737#0: signal process started
> And there is nothing in the access.log.
> Any ideas what I could be missing or what i should check?

nginx is seeing no traffic.

So look at everything outside of nginx.

Does the hostname you use resolve to the nginx IP address? Do you have a
working network route to and from the nginx server? Is the a firewall or
network control device anywhere in between that is dropping the traffic?

>From the nginx server, does "curl -v" or "curl -v" give any useful response, or output in the
log files?

If so, you know that nginx is active.

Does "tcpdump" on the nginx server show any incoming port-80 traffic?

Good luck with it,

Francis Daly        francis at

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