Issue with HTTP/2 and async file upload from Safari on iOS

ZaneCEO nginx-forum at
Sat Jun 4 23:17:26 UTC 2016

Hi guys,
I'm at my first deploy of Nginx with php-fpm after 10+ years of love with
Apache and mod_php. So far so (very) good.

I just have a peculiar issue with Safari on iOS. As you can read here
, my webapp allows the user to select an image, client-resize it via JS and
then upload it via jQuery.

The problem is that Safari on iOS 9 sometimes fails the upload with the

POST <my upload url>, Could not connect to the server.

I just found out that  when I disabled the HTTP/2 form my server config the
issue vanishes.

Is this a known issue somehow? Is there any other solution that doesn't
require me to go nuclear on HTTP/2?

Thanks for your help!

Posted at Nginx Forum:,267385,267385#msg-267385

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