include file with "if" statements

Maxim Dounin mdounin at
Wed May 18 18:28:46 UTC 2016


On Wed, May 18, 2016 at 11:35:48AM -0400, w_boba wrote:

> I have several different "templates" for location and most of templates have
> common part like this:
> ----------------------
> /etc/nginx/nginx.conf:
> http {
>     include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
> }
> ----------------------
> /etc/nginx/conf.d/config12345.conf:
> server {
>     listen 12345;
>     location / {
>         some configuration;
>     }
>     location /special {
>         include template12345.txt;
>     }
> ----------------------
> /etc/nginx/template12345.txt:
>     some configuration;
>     if ($variable1 = "value1") { return 403; }
>     if ($variable2 = "value2") { return 403; }
>     if ($variable3 = "value3") { return 403; }
>     some other configuration;
> ----------------------
> When I try to separate this "if" part into separate file like this:
> ----------------------
> /etc/nginx/conditions.txt
> if ( $variable1 = "value1" ) { return 403; }
> if ( $variable2 = "value2" ) { return 403; }
> if ( $variable3 = "value3" ) { return 403; }
> ----------------------
> and include it in the template like "include conditions.txt" instead of
> repeating this part in every template, I get error message:
> "nginx: [emerg] "if" directive is not allowed here in
> /etc/nginx/conditions.txt:1"
> So my question is: is there a limit to "include" directive depth ?


> Why am I getting this error ?

Likely you've uninintentionally included conditions.txt into a 
place where "if" directives cannot be used.  In particular, this 
can easily happen if you have various wildcard includes in your 

If unsure, please provide full minimal configuration which 
triggers the error.

Maxim Dounin

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