deployment issue (or feature request?) - multiple `include` with `log_format`

Jonathan Vanasco nginx at
Fri Nov 18 18:32:42 UTC 2016

I'm not sure if this is a feature request or just an issue with our deployment...

We host many domains, often partitioned across many configuration files 
    (ie: sites-enabled/domain1.conf, 

An issue that has complicated our setup is the `log_format` directive.  We use a few variations of a log format (different domain groups need/dont-need different data in the logs) and wanted to centrally manage them in a library of `include` files

The problem is that a `log_format` by any given name can only be declared once, so our configuration can not do this:

        log_format app_custom  '$remote_addr - [$time_local][$host] $status '...

        include macros/log_formats/app_custom.conf;
        server {

        include macros/log_formats/app_custom.conf;
        server {

we either have to preload the log formats in the main config, or just define a custom log_format for each domain.

has anyone dealt with this in the past, and found a good solution for deployments (short of requesting an `include_once` feature)?  

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