Parse response body and return status code/body based on it

Francis Daly francis at
Sun Oct 2 10:18:03 UTC 2016

On Sat, Oct 01, 2016 at 07:08:44PM -0400, spacerobot wrote:

Hi there,

> I'm trying to achieve an mechanism that for requests to certain endpoints,
> nginx makes a HTTP call to a certain server (mostly POST and DELETE), gets a
> response back, parse the response code and body, and based on the response
> code and the content of the response body, return certain HTTP status
> codes/response to the caller. Is there an existing module that can help
> achieve this?

That sounds like you want a very specific set of things to happen. It is
unlikely that that exact set of things is already in a dedicated module.

I suspect that you will find it easiest to start by using one of the
embedded-language modules and writing your logic in that language -- lua,
perl, and a version of javascript are available; probably more are too.

(If there are specific things that you need, such as issuing a http
DELETE to another url, you will want to confirm that the facility to do
that is available in the language that you choose to use.)

Good luck with it,

Francis Daly        francis at

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