how to proxy a proxy (subrequest with corporate proxy)

Francis Daly francis at
Sat Apr 1 11:36:41 UTC 2017

On Thu, Mar 30, 2017 at 06:13:59PM -0400, CeeGeeDev wrote:

Hi there,

> It's not clear to us how to configure a "web proxy" for a subrequest, since
> the subrequest itself is already basically a "proxy" call.

Stock nginx does not speak proxied-http to a http proxy.

I suspect that the facility will only become available when someone
wants it enough to write the code, or to cause the code to be written.

If you have a config that works well-enough on your system (as in: your
proxy server is configured in a transparent-like manner, and accepts http
requests to itself and then reverse-proxies the world), then continuing
to use that config is probably appropriate.

That is: if

>     location /custom/main/request/url {
>           proxy_buffering off;
>           proxy_pass_header on;
>           proxy_set_header Host "";
>           proxy_pass http://corporate_proxy;
>     }

does everything that you want normally, then something like

> location /subrequest {
>     proxy_buffering off;
>     proxy_pass_header on;
>     proxy_set_header Host "rest_server";
>     proxy_pass http://corporate_proxy;
> }

may work for your subrequests.

Francis Daly        francis at

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