Multiple "channels" on forwarded port (with a ssh-reverse-tunnel behind)

Ajay Garg ajaygargnsit at
Wed Apr 12 07:08:19 UTC 2017

Hi All.

Let's say, we have a server-block like

server {
                listen 2001 ssl;

                ssl_certificate /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.crt;
                ssl_certificate_key /etc/nginx/ssl/nginx.key;

                location / {
                                        auth_basic 'Restricted';
                                        auth_basic_user_file /home/

                                        if ($remote_user =  "
20da689b45c84f2b80bc84d651ed573f") {


and when a user opens the browser window. she authenticates, and is
appropriately forwarded to port 2000 on the server.
This port (2000) is in a LISTENING state on the server, created via a
ssh-reverse-tunnel, through the command

            sshpass -p password ssh -N -R
user at

from the remote-machine.

Things work fine if only one user is forwarded to port 2000.
However, I observe that if a second user logs into the server and provides
the same auth-credentials, a 502-Bad-Gateway error is observed 99% of the

Is this expected?
Does the forwarding over a ssh-reverse-tunnelled-port work reliably only if
one user is forwarded to the port?

I am sorry if I am posting to the wrong list, not sure if this is a
question related to nginx or ssh-reverse-tunnelling in general.
Will be great to hear thoughts/experiences from the experts.

Thanks and Regards,
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