How to cache static files under root /var/www/html/images

Rainer Duffner rainer at
Tue Feb 14 20:30:32 UTC 2017

> Am 14.02.2017 um 21:25 schrieb Ebayer Ebayer <ebaystardust at>:
> Is there a more deterministic way besides fully trusting the MMU? I really don't think the MMU will execute well on what I'm setting to accomplish. Some more info:
> * I run Linux 2.6.32 (RH's)
> * I don't trust /dev/shm as a memory store
> * I want the kernel to keep files cached for a pre determined length of time Xmns
> * Don't want to think too hard about how the MMU evicts pages and how that affects caching exactly

You are overthinking this problem.

Get a better OS if you don’t trust your current one.

How large is your dataset? How much of that is „hot“?
What’s your specific use-case?

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