FastCGI KeepAlive

Olaf van der Spek nginx-forum at
Thu Jun 22 10:00:16 UTC 2017

Note the connect(13, ...) and close(13) right after the response has been
For PHP it's working, but AFAIK there's nothing in the FastCGI protocol that
the backend has to do other then keeping the connection open.

gettimeofday({tv_sec=1498125120, tv_usec=540583}, NULL) = 0
recvfrom(3, "GET /v2/rides HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: de"..., 1024, 0, NULL, NULL) =
socket(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0)         = 13
ioctl(13, FIONBIO, [1])                 = 0
{u32=370685264, u64=94674334790992}}) = 0
connect(13, {sa_family=AF_UNIX, sun_path="/tmp/backend.socket"}, 110) = 0
getsockopt(13, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, [0], [4]) = 0
iov_len=1040}], 1) = 1040
recvfrom(3, 0x7ffeb4895e57, 1, MSG_PEEK, NULL, NULL) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource
temporarily unavailable)
epoll_wait(10, [{EPOLLOUT, {u32=370685264, u64=94674334790992}}], 512,
60000) = 1
gettimeofday({tv_sec=1498125120, tv_usec=546097}, NULL) = 0
epoll_wait(10, [{EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT, {u32=370685264, u64=94674334790992}}],
512, 59994) = 1
gettimeofday({tv_sec=1498125120, tv_usec=550400}, NULL) = 0
recvfrom(13, "\1\6\0\1\7[\0\0Content-Type: applicatio"..., 4096, 0, NULL,
NULL) = 1915
readv(13, [{iov_base=0x561b1610558b, iov_len=2181}], 1) = -1 EAGAIN
(Resource temporarily unavailable)
writev(3, [{iov_base="HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nServer: nginx/1"..., iov_len=201},
{iov_base="712\r\n", iov_len=5},
iov_len=1810}, {iov_base="\r\n", iov_len=2}], 4) = 2018
close(13)                               = 0
writev(3, [{iov_base="0\r\n\r\n", iov_len=5}], 1) = 5
write(4, " - - [22/Jun/2017:0"..., 203) = 203
recvfrom(3, 0x561b1616a130, 1024, 0, NULL, NULL) = -1 EAGAIN (Resource
temporarily unavailable)
epoll_wait(10, [{EPOLLIN|EPOLLOUT, {u32=370684801, u64=94674334790529}}],
512, 65000) = 1

Posted at Nginx Forum:,275028,275054#msg-275054

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