proxy_cache and X-Accel-Redirect

deivid__ nginx-forum at
Tue Jun 27 15:12:04 UTC 2017


The /data root was an example, in my case it's /v/

What I want to do is:

- get a request like /v/c85320d9ddb90c13f4a215f1f0a87b531ab33310
- proxy that to my back-end which tells nginx to serve a certain file
- I want to cache this file as the first access is expensive. (I want to
cache *the file*, other requests can end up pointing to the same file,
that's what I want to speed up).

You are right that I'm not using proxy_pass; as my back-end is served by
uwsgi I'm using uwsgi_pass.

Posted at Nginx Forum:,275138,275163#msg-275163

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