http/2 for Windows

Igal @ igal at
Tue Mar 21 17:40:50 UTC 2017


On 3/21/2017 7:10 AM, c0nw0nk wrote:
> I have used his builds you can download them for free...
I didn't see a download link at  other than 
the commercial subscription

>   Just like nginx
> mainline builds from But specific custom features cost money just
> like you would have to pay for Nginx+
I am fine with paying for features when it's reasonable, or when it 
supports a project that I like or use (e.g. NGINX+). In this case it 
seemed like it was a matter of adding a switch to the build script, 
which Maxim confirmed.

> But this is the latest build it seems
> That comes
> compiled with everything you see in product files.
Cool.  Thanks.  But now that the official build will include http/2 I 
think I'll stick with it since I'm already familiar with the setup there 
and have some scripts to automate installing as a service etc.

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