performance using variables?

Francis Daly francis at
Wed May 3 20:40:29 UTC 2017

On Tue, May 02, 2017 at 02:03:25PM +0200, Ingo Baab wrote:

Hi there,

> I got a question regarding performance of my nginx configuration
> files using variables.

The usual rule with performance questions is: if you do not measure
a performance difference, then there is not an important performance
difference in your use case.

> Q: Is this a performance disadvantage?

There will be a computer run-time performance disadvantage in using a
variable like this.

There may be an administrator config-write-time advantage in using a
variable like this.

> Is this a good approach to separate php processors for each virtual
> host or should
> I do all configuration better static?

Static configuration will have better computer run-time performance. But
unless you measure a difference, the difference is not important to you.

If what you have works well-enough, you don't need to change anything.

Good luck with it,

Francis Daly        francis at

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